Moms Have More Fun

It's Time to Paint Yourself Back in the Picture, Mama: Part 2 with Judy Wilkins-Smith

MOMS, it's time to RISE and RECEIVE...

Do you ever find yourself caught in the whirlwind of motherhood, constantly putting yourself last and feeling like your own identity is slipping away? Well, I've got something truly special for you in this episode!

Welcome to Part 2 of my heart-to-heart with the incredible Judy Wilkins-Smith. Check out her previous episode about how to stop aligning with suffering. We had so much to talk about that we came together for an extension of our conversation, and this one was SO GOOD. 

Get ready to explore:

🌼 Key ways you can break out of the box and start living motherhood on your own terms.
🌼 Why you need to paint yourself back into the picture of your family life - and how.
🌼 How hot mess mom culture effects future generations and how you can establish better family patterns.
🌼 The truth about receiving and why it's essential for moms to embrace it.

If you've been feeling a little stale, a bit lost in the daily grind, or like the vibrant parts of you are fading away, then this is a must-listen. I was so lit up by this conversation and I know you will be, too.

Learn more about Judy, her work, buy her books, and check out her upcoming event (at Disney!) here.
Connect with Judy on Instagram here.

Thanks for listening, mama.

Connect with me on Instagram: Ruthie.Silver and Moms Have More Fun!

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